Student Support

Student Services Co-Ordinator: Stana Murrells
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Study Guides

Succeeding with your Course

There are a whole range of factors which lead to course success, as it is not solely about Just working harder. Being focused and consistent is also important, as is working smarter not harder. By applying effective study strategies such as being better organised and managing your time more effectively will aid in your concentration, absorption, endurance. 

Study guides:

1. Be ahead of the game by being organised

Your attitude, organisational strategies and study habits that you adopt at the start of each study unit will have an impact on your overall success in your course. By following your agreed training plan is a very important first step, as it is important to establish a strategic approach early to your learning routine.

  1. Establish a designated study space

Decide upon where you are going to do your study/learning and set up the space with everything you need. If you have a desk at home, make sure that the area is well-lit and free of excess clutter. Ideally, your study space needs to be situated where there are minimal distractions. For some learners, home isn’t the best place to study due to noise levels or unavoidable interruptions. If this is the case, consider an alternative place to study.

  1. Attend your classes

This may sound painfully obvious, but attending your classes is the number one most important factor in determining your success in your course. If you skip classes, you will not only miss out on important course content, but you will also miss out on vital information about assessment requirements and due dates. In addition, skipping classes leads to decreased motivation as you will lose momentum and feel disconnected from your classmates. Many students find it difficult to return to class after the series of absences, due to feelings of anxiety over having to catch up – as a result, they tend to avoid returning and fall further and further behind.

  1. Plan your week

Your course doesn’t need to be the only thing in your life (and we know that allocating time for relaxation, exercise and social connection is essential to wellbeing) but it does need to be your main focus as it is your full-time occupation. You will need to allocate regular blocks of time each week for study and assignments, otherwise life will inevitably get in the way and time will slip by. Use a weekly planner, diary, app or whatever method works for you and create a plan that will help you to maintain an effective balance between work, studying and life.

  1. Adopt a strategic approach

Being successful in your course is not just about working hard, it is also about working effectively. Work strategically by breaking down tasks into manageable chunks and by using study strategies that have been proven to be effective. Set achievable goals for yourself and aim to complete assessment tasks before the due date so that you have time to obtain feedback from your teacher before the final submission.

  1. Access your allies

Your teachers are there to provide feedback on your course progress as well as answer questions about the course content and assessment requirements, so don’t be afraid to reach out for assistance and help when you need it.