Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL), Recognition of Current Competence(RCC) and Credit Transfer (CT) Policy

1. Policy Statement

Learners will have the opportunity to gain Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL), Recognition of Current Competence or Credit Transfer based on skills and knowledge gained through prior work and life experiences, education and training.  Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL), Recognition of Current Competence (RCC) and/or Credit Transfer (CT) will be identified during the Pre-Training Review process, prior to learners enrolling in a program. 

RPL, RCC and Credit Transfer will only apply where the qualification/skill set/module/unit of competency is included on CTI’s current scope of registration and may be granted up to 100% of a qualification. However, CTI is not obliged to issue a Qualification or Statement of Attainment that is achieved wholly through recognition of units and/or modules completed at another RTO or TAFE. 

2. Purpose

To determine the policy and principles which apply to RPL,RCC and CT.

3. Definitions

AQF Qualification

Australian Qualifications Framework qualification type endorsed in a training

package or accredited in a VET accredited course.

Credit Transfer (CT)

  1. Policy Statement

Currency of Assessment  

Currency in the assessment context means that assessment evidence must be from

the present or the very recent past. In the context of RPL or RCC this means that

the evidence must have taken place within a 2 years period. 


Recognition of Current Competency (RCC)

Applies if a client has previously successfully completed the requirements of a unit

of competency or module and is now required to be reassessed to ensure that the

competence is being maintained. If a unit of competency or module has any training

activity associated with it then grade code RC must not be used – the client must

enrol in the competency.

4. Statement of policy

    1. VETtrak Student Management System 

TO complete

    1. Related Forms